Annonce Zefal

Trans Balkan Race 2024

Slovénie, Croatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Monténégro

The ultimate off-road unsupported bikepacking race across the Balkans Get ready for a captivating race in a region still percieved as remote and inaccessible. The TBR will deliver an unforgettable […]



Lurra signifie terre en basque. Cette aventure propose de connaître le territoire basque sur le terrain, en pédalant à travers les forêts, les routes et les sentiers jusqu'à parcourir les […]


Montenegro Mountain Madness

Can you handle the Madness? Montenegro Mountain Madness is an off-road unsupported bikepacking event around Montenegro (who would have guessed!). Get ready for a complete overview of the region and […]


Istra Land

Istra Land is an off-road unsupported bikepacking adventure that will take you across the entire Istrian peninsula. Equipped with a GPS, you will follow a track that will lead you […]
